剛剛讀完了 Kingsolver 的小說 Demon Copperhead. 非常棒的一本書. 三月在網路上買, 四月開始讀, 然後讀到一半五月普立茲獎公布, 就是這本書得大獎. 我意外碰到好東西 (這叫serendipity, 無法翻譯的一個詞) 的功力再度令自己驚嘆.
這本書是當代的 "塊肉餘生錄" (David Copperfield), 把狄更斯的故事搬到當代, 講美國貧困維吉尼亞州阿帕拉契山區小郡中一個孤兒掙扎生存的感人故事. 作者也挑明了她就是致敬塊肉餘生錄, 寫一個現代版. 連書名和人物都可以一一對照--- 比如主角的名字從 David Copperfield 變成 Demon Copperhead. 這個現代版不管故事劇情以及書寫手法都是一流的, 但是我讀小說的習慣是不要知道劇情, 這樣才更能享受. 然而因為是把狄更斯的故事搬到現代, 所以劇情的走向就可以預測, 這是我自己覺得比較可惜的.
我在 Amazon 上寫了簡單的英文書評如下.
I like this book, and this book deserves all its reputation and awards. However, since I have known the plot of Dickens' "David Copperfield," the crucial source of delight for me in reading this modern version, i.e., to enjoy the unexpected twists of the plot, is greatly reduced.
For example, from the very beginning, I know things will get better (due to the bright ending of "David Copperfield"). I know Dori will die, I know Demon will end up together with Angus. What a pity for me to always successfully predict the plots before they happen.
That being said, Kingsolver still creates a vivid and unforgettable modern version with her tour de force writing skill and humanistic concern. In the postscript, Kingsolver writes: "For the kids who wake up hungry in those dark places every day, who've lost their families to poverty and pain pills, whose caseworkers keep losing their files, who feel invisible, or wish they were: this book is for you." This quite moves me.
On the whole, the first 1/3 about the young Demon is so good that I cannot put it down. The middle 1/2 about the football player and addict Demon is a bit dry, but the last pages about the reborn Demon are fast-paced and fresh again. Kingsolver cleverly (or annoyingly, depending) ends this book at an unexpected point, which makes this story even more attractive. I believe many readers, myself included, would sigh and eagerly want to know what happens next after turning the last page.
There is hope. You should believe in it.
無論如何這本書非常值得一讀. 得普立茲獎也是實至名歸, 這本書淚中帶笑, 把美國鄉下貧困兒童的生存掙扎和藥物成癮的事實攤出來在陽光下, 這是小說反應人生的使命. 但讀著掙扎生存的主角 Demon 在絕望中尋找出口, 我也不免回顧我自己的家庭一路辛苦行來的過程, 父親母親的頑強, 辛勤與毅力, 以及自己繼承的某種不服輸的特質. 小說讓你看到人生, 也看到自己.
不管生命如何賦予我們挑戰, 你要相信希望. 你必須要相信.
2023, 森棚教官