星期四, 4月 18, 2024

The Party's Over, 散場了

     晚上學一首歌 The party's over, 馬上就喜歡了. 竟然可以把散場後要面對真實的失落寫得如此入微, 詞曲貼合, 最高潮的營造非常漂亮. 我喜歡 Tony Bennett 的版本.


The Party's Over.
It's time to call it a day.
They've burst your pretty balloon
and taken the moon away.

It's time to wind up 
the masquerade.
Just make your mind up 
the piper must be paid.

The Party's Over. 
The candles flicker and dim.
You danced and dreamed through the night, 
it seemed to be right just being with him.

Now you must wake up, 
all dreams must end.
Take off your make up, 
The Party's Over.

It's all over, 
my friend.

2024, 森棚教官